2012-13 Checkin
I know it's only 15 days into this, but I'm already not doing a great.
- Get O to understand (and give) Eskimo kisses—Not yet
- Knit one dishcloth a month (12 dishcloths total)—Check
- Knit a 'Despicable' Hat (knit the hat from Despicable Me)—Started
- Write and share a pattern—Not yet
- Knit one additional project-a whole project started during the 10/1/12 and 9/30/13 time period—No yet
- Get back to my pre-baby weight—Not even close because I can't stop eating
- Get back to my pre-pre-baby weight—See above
- Plan and host a Paddle Party—Probably not going to happen
- Complete a half marathon—Read
- Finish the cross stitch Christmas piece—I'll blog about it soon
- Decorate our master bedroom—Started
- Decorate the family room—Waiting
- Take 3 pics a week—:( No
- Dance more—I signed up for a class that starts at the end of the month
- Shine my kitchen sink 5 days a week—Yeah, no
- Organize the office—In progress
- Decorate the office—In progress
- Plan meals—Nope
- Follow the Financial Peace University plan—Started
- Get 3 hours a week of time with O on our own—Nope
- Get 3 hours a week of time with E on our own—Yeah
- Get 3 hours a week of time with Chris on our own—hard to quantify
- Blog 1 day a week—:)
- Act the way I want to feel—Some days
- Write a knitting pattern—Not yet
- Publish a knitting pattern online—Not yet (really too much like #4)
- Read 3 books—In progress
- Finish the half finished crafts—They are at least all together (sorta) and…
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