Air Plants are SO cool

I really enjoy air plants.
It sounds so weird, but my first interaction with one was back when I used to receive the subscription box: Whimseybox…I don't think they still exist.

In one of the boxes had an air plant, a bag of concrete mix, instructions, and a piece of cardboard. The project was to fold the cardboard to make a vessel to hold the concrete mix which would then cure (once water was added) and you would have a lovely concrete 'vase' for your air plant. Sounds like it wouldn't work right?
You would be correct…it didn't work. Guess what, cardboard «no matter how coated the cardboard is» will not hold a wet concrete mix.

So I think I just abandoned the project just putting all the left over items back into the Whimseybox box (they were REALLY nice boxes» and walked away. Months later when I was getting ready to move I cam across the box again and the air plant inside and much to my surprise…the air plant was fine.

Thus starting my love of a plant, that I can't kill!

I think I eventually did lose it-probably in the move. And not knowing how to get more of such unusual plants…I kind of forgot about them.

That was until this winter and Pinterest!

Thus my obsession began again. At Christmas time we had the Tiger's Daisy troop use air plants in a project for the school support staff-janitors, lunch ladies, etc…

Which is what spurred a little more of my creativity and my need to figure out what to do with the left over air plants.

Thus my latest video!




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