New blog I found!

I love my forum/web board ladies. I spend the majority of my time in the August mom's group and the fact that these women are all due around the same time I am is really encouraging.
Plus, I just found this great blog thanks to one of them.
Designs by Vanessa
Like her content.
Love her blog look.
Really excited about finding another blog to read.
And super excited about the contest she has going.
It's for Picky Sticky and they are so darn cute, and I can't believe no one has come up with this earlier. They make 'decals' you can stick on you're babies onesie. So you can chronicle you're babies growth (outside of the womb that is).
Love it!
If you are a new mom/soon to be mom, go over and register for her contest.
I don't think you'll regret it.


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