Decisions decisions!

Oh where to begin, I'll begin with the easy stuff!

I recently finished this jacket and dress Barbie combo for Chris's niece.

It was actually pretty easy, however the instructions for the jacket really threw me off. I think I wasn't expecting to have the back, shoulders and front to be all one piece. So I just followed trusted the instructions and this is what it looked like after the sleeves and back were made. But it all worked out. I found the pattern (for both) here.

I also started this Garden Bag for my mom for Mothers Day. But since I don't crochet, I'm knitting it. So far it's going well. Don't you think?

We'll see how it all ends up, hope to get the sides all together tonight and start on the bottom.

And then...there's the wedding...
I'm so excited about marrying Chris, but the wedding plan is stressing me out.

I have about a million choices for places all given to me by others (I think my dad sent me about 8 places yesterday).
Here is a sampling:
The Rathskeller One of my FAVORITE places in the city to drink, only in the spring, summer and fall because of the Biergarten, which you can't rent on weekends...I'm thinking that one is out.

The Mavris It's beautiful inside, but probably a little too much area for me. I am holding onto the reality that this is going to be a small(ish) wedding.

The Indianapolis Children's Museum I have so many fond memories of this place, almost every Sunday when I was growing up we went to either TCM or the Zoo after church for 'family' time. This was of course back when they were much cheaper. And this is an expensive out of the question location.

The South Dunes Golf Course Never been there, but doesn't even sound appealing.

The Fountain Square Theater This would be cool, just because of the part of town it's in. But, I'm not sure.

Crystal River Walk
Near Broad Ripple-a very trendy/artsy part of town–my cousins would then have someplace to go party after the wedding.

The Indianapolis Art Center Also in Broad Ripple, probably the place I've most ALWAYS wanted to have a wedding, but now it's all trendy and expensive, probably already booked as well. But I can't get the women to call me back so...I might never know!

The Marriott Very pretty, definately a possibility since it's attached to a hotel, then my drunk cousins wouldn't have to drive. :) But they haven't called back either.

The Lumiere Very Pretty, Very Expensive and Very far from everything!

Valle Vista Country Club It's outside and on the Southside, Far from my family on the Northside, but easy for Chris's family.

Mallow Run Winery The first place we looked and really a place I have also been thinking about for a long time as a possible wedding location. But we might end up being too big for it. It's WAY too far away from everything, although easy for Chris's family

The Yellow Rose Inn Which is very much my favorite location right now! Just old time beautiful/retro elegant. And they have rooms my family could rent.

I think Mallow and Yellow Rose are my favorites and I think we have a good chance of getting a date at The Yellow Rose.

Christie, my mom and I are going to go wedding dress shopping next weekend. Chris will be completely preoccupied with the Chrysler trade show/flea market something rather.

This will be the second time I've looked at dresses. I found one I liked when we first started looking, but I tell you what...Davids Bridal has shitty customer service, so we will see about someplace else.

And that is the wedding as a whole, as of right now. But I really do hope to have things figured out by the end of the week. We'll see. I'll let you know!


  1. Firts of all, congrats on your marrige, hope everything goes as plan.
    And wouldn't be wonderfull if we could do our clothes like the one that you did for Barbie, so simple, no?


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